giovedì 21 dicembre 2017

The unemployement rate and the euro in Europe

Yesterday morning, at 8.08, I have called the TV program "Aria pulita" on the private TELECITY television to speak about the link between the EURO and the unemployement rate in Europe.
The unemployement rate in Europe is (source :Eurostat , February 2017):

Greece      23%
Spain        18%
Italy          11,5%
France       10%
Ireland       6,6%
Germany   3,9%

The first thing you can extrapolate from the data above is that Ireland and Italy, both with the euro , have a very different unemployement rate:so the problem is not the euro about unemployement.
During the calling I have said that not all the things coming from the EU are good as the euro, remembering the MIFID.
About the MIFID just read the letter, in the Financial Times, October 13, 2017, "commission has created a monster in MIFID II" by Ira Sohn.