giovedì 31 gennaio 2019


Mi piace molto il testo "BATTLEFIELD AMERICA , the war on the american people" di John W. Whitehead con una prefazione di Ron Paul; al posto di "America" mettete "Italia" e la realta' e' la stessa (NB il testo e' del 2015 e non a caso e' uscito alla fine della guerra civile contro di me che come ho detto si e' sviluppata dal 29 luglio 2009 all'agosto 2015).

I like very much the book "BATTLEFIELD AMERICA , the war on the american people" by John W. Whitehead with a preface by Ron Paul; if you put the word  "Italy" instead of the word "America" the reality is the same.
(Pay attention;  the book was published in 2015).

martedì 29 gennaio 2019

CIVIL WAR AGAINST ME during 2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013-2014-2015.

E mail sento today to a friend in USA;"I have no link about nuns:I just remember, in 2009-2010, catholic nuns worked as spies against me :you have to remember that in 2008-2009-2010 I was targeted as terrorist, pedophile, nazist, stalker, madman, racist and so on :in province of Como, Italy and Ticino, there was a covered war against me since 9/11(nine eleven) and this war against me became explicit when the local daily newspaper LA PROVINCIA di Como, on 29 july 2009, published a letter written by me against Silvio Berlusconi and in favour of the youngest persons: on 4 august 2009, I was sued , at carabinieri in Faloppio, for stalking and defamations by Giovanni Angotti, a guy, from calabria, condemned in 2008 for criminal association.
The Carabinieri trusted mr giovanni angotti and they not trusted me (Carabinieri even not advise me of the complaints by Giovanni Angotti and his wife ewa rzesa stanislawa against me).
80% of the population in Faloppio and locally, started a war against me in 2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013-2014-2015 (expecially people from sicily and calabria).
The nuns , in this scenario, worked as spies against me."
Sectarian violence , in this period, blew up against me in Faloppio and locally.

venerdì 18 gennaio 2019

Mio lavoro in Deutsche Bank

In Deutsche Bank, come consulente finanziario dal 2004 al 2009 , lavoravo 10 ore al giorno, compreso il sabato mattino, come "regime dei minimi" a partita IVA, a cottimo, con contratto di agenzia, guadagnando, netti, circa 2200-2300 euro al mese .

venerdì 4 gennaio 2019

I'm not guilty for being white with blue eyes.

I'm not guilty for being white with blue eyes.

Germany should broker new talks about nuclear disarmament (nuclear terrorism is a reality)

Germany should broker new talks about nuclear disarmament
The world is in danger of a nuclear conflagration one day. But it is unhelpful for Germans to pin the blame for that on Donald Trump. They should do something else instead.

Quelle: mauritius images
(Source: mauritius images)
Andreas Kluth

Unsurprisingly, Germans are thus aghast at Trump’s threat to rip up the treaty – in their view, the latest of many outrageous acts of sabotage of the so-called international order. In 2002, under George W. Bush, America already exited from another arms-control treaty. A third, the New Start Agreement, will expire in 2021 unless it is renewed. It is thus conceivable that the world will soon be back to the nightmare days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the nuclear powers wielded their arsenals with no contractual limitations whatsoever. And Trump would get much of the blame.
Not so fast. The world is indeed in great danger from nuclear weapons. But this is not primarily Trump’s fault. Nor would killing the INF Treaty automatically make the peril worse. It may even offer an opportunity to make the world better. Here is why.
First, Russia has been cheating on the INF Treaty. Who says so? First, the administration of Barack Obama did, then the Trump administration, and last month all of NATO. The Russians deny these charges. But they would, wouldn’t they? A treaty that is already breached is not worth saving.
The frightening truth is that the world long ago exited the stable horror of a dual-player game of “mutual assured destruction” (MAD) and entered the dystopia of a disorderly nuclear bazaar, with many players, possibly including lunatics. Hence the imperative for the major powers to come together in good faith to lift this curse on humanity.
Germany, as a middle power that this week took a seat on the UN Security Council, has a role to play in this. Having forsworn nukes, it can present itself as an honest broker for new talks among the big guys, which must at a minimum include America, China and Russia. It’s worth a try.
Andreas Kluth 01/03/19

giovedì 3 gennaio 2019