sabato 29 dicembre 2018


I like very much by Bernard Maris "Lettre ouverte aux gorous de l'economie qui nous prennent pour des imbeciles" 1999 Paris.

Previsioni del tempo:metafora dell'Italia

Le previsioni del tempo sulla TV LA7 di Enrico Mentana durano 6 minuti senza che, alla fine, si capisca che tempo fara' domani.
Le previsioni del tempo sulla TV svizzera (RSI), durano 2 minuti ed esprimono  in modo chiaro che tempo fara' domani.

mercoledì 26 dicembre 2018


I totally don't like Giuliano Amato, (Torino, 13 maggio 1938) , ex prime minister and member of the italian constitutional court and his friends.

martedì 25 dicembre 2018

"TIME IS MONEY, MONEY IS TIME" by Alasdair Mcleod

I like very much, by ALASDAIR MCLEOD "time is money, money is time", 20 december 2018:

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more.  

"Our limited time, our brief candle as Shakespeare’s Macbeth had it earlier in the soliloquy quoted from above, may count for very little in the grand scheme of things, but is of the utmost importance to each of us personally. Unlike the other dimensions, height, breadth and depth, the fourth is almost infinite, but individuals enjoy only a small part of it, our three-score years and ten. Time moves on. What really matters is not wasting it.

We may appear to others to be wasting time. But it is not wasting it when we take a break, recharge our batteries, or stop to think. Pleasure-seeking, pursuing happiness, removing uneasiness is making good use of time. We are all different and enjoy different things, so wasting time is not time wasted so long as it our personal choice. No one can allocate time as effectively as the individual. It is intensely personal.

While using time effectively is a private pleasure, wasting it can be very frustrating. Wasting time is the denial of personal ambition, whether it is as trivial as in a game of cards or as momentous as changing one’s circumstances. Avoiding time-wasting requires positive personal action, but we live in a world where that decision is progressively being subsumed by the state. But the state has little concept of the importance of time, replacing it with indecision and deferment. Time offers change and progress, except to the state. The evolution of events that go with time undermines the state’s certainties. The state believes it has all the time in the world to get things right by consulting, reporting, debating and eventually acting, while everyone affected has to wait.

It takes more than a decade to agree a trade deal between the EU and another government, neither of which feels time is important. This snail’s pace with our time is the norm in government and inter-governmental affairs. In business, time is a cost working against profit, because profit is always measured within a time-frame. A businessman who is both proficient and efficient is a valued person in society. He is productive, maximising profits while limiting the time spent achieving them. Time is also the basis of interest rates, which far from being a cost of money, is an expression of time preference. Time preference is the discounted future value of materials, energy and effort not yet in possession, but promised to be so at a given future date.

Through monetary policy the state commandeers our time preferences, forcing its own omnibus version upon us. It commands the value of our personal futures relative to cash. We don’t often realise how damaging is the loss of freedom to determine the fourth dimension for ourselves. If we understood the state was depriving us of time, we would probably be angry. The embezzlement of its use is behind the growing frustration felt by ordinary people. It is the underlying theme to Hayek’s Road to Serfdom, how the state conspires to steal its people’s freedom for statist priorities.

The state’s functionaries are usually ignorant of what they are doing. As stated above, wasting our time doesn’t matter to them. It has taken two and a half years for the British Government to fail to negotiate Brexit, wasting every citizens’ time in both Britain and the EU wanting certainty.

The statists don’t care, because they place little or no value on time. The vade mecum which is their ultimate guide in these matters, Keynes’s General Theory, makes no substantive mention of the meaning of time until Page 293, where he correctly states that “the importance of money essentially flows from it being the link between the present and the future” [ italics in the original][i].

It is one thing that Keynes actually got right, but he then ignored the implications. The time dimension does not sit well with Keynes’s mathematical approach to economics, because the assumption behind equations is that time does not alter them. A+B@C can only assume all components are unaffected by time. In reality, a static world where yesterday’s deployment of money replicates tomorrow’s deployment of money, does not exist. If it did, there would be no human progress. Therefore, time brings with it change, so is an inconvenience which the neo-Keynesians choose to ignore.

Clearly, the statists’ motivation was to discard proven classical theory to make way for propositions that favoured the state controlling money, which as Keynes pointed out is the bridge between the present and the future. First, we produce. Then we are paid. Then we spend and save. Money is the temporary storage of our labour for future use. Time and money are synonymous and common to all these activities.

We think the state is taking only our money, but it is also taking our time. If it was more widely appreciated that we are being robbed of our time, attitudes towards state intervention would surely change. As it is, we think it is only money, and surely, who would want to be thought of as so venal to object to its redistribution to those that deserve it more?

Create a credit cycle, then suppress the consequences

The state has been extremely effective at picking our pockets, employing monetary prestidigitation as well as taxes. By taking control of the economic and monetary agenda, the state has persuaded us it can deploy our money more effectively than we can ourselves. It commands us to exclusively use the state’s own currency, backed by our faith in its credit. It suppresses interest rates to grow the economy and maximise taxes, saying we can become better off together. It takes payments from us and spends them in a manner determined by the state acting in our collective interest.

When the theft of our time is relatively minor, we tolerate it. We can grow wealthier together. But when we find ourselves working increasingly for the state, spending almost half our working lifetime doing so, our discontent and resentment builds. We are no longer in control of the fruits of our labour, our time. The central bank then springs to our rescue, creating the extra money we have lost in taxes, and encouraging the banks it regulates to extend credit to allow us to make more and spend more. It debases both our time preferences and the true cost of our wages to our employers. For a brief period, it might appear to work, so long as the losers don’t notice and complain. But it leads to economic instability by replacing the healthy randomness of our collective desires with a cycle of credit expansion and contraction.

Earnings and savings, the fruits of our time spent, are transferred from ordinary citizens and gifted to others favoured by the state, simply by suppressing interest rates, thereby reducing time preferences. Time-value is taken from consumers and given to producing borrowers. Over the decades, consumers have been gradually impoverished, and producers have learned to love the state more than the consumer.

Our inept leaders can sincerely believe they are making a better world for us all, but they suppress the evidence when it goes wrong. Instead of making a better world, over time they have depleted personal wealth and earnings by taxes and monetary debasement, leaving little left to transfer to the state in future. But time is money, so the state simply prints yet more currency to buy more time. In the absence of time-pressures the state believes the future can be deferred indefinitely, and eventually everything will be all right. Just be patient and give us more of your time…

Are we any happier without our stolen time? Occupy Wall Street, the emergence of America’s Despicables, Britain’s Brexiteers and France’s rioters all attest otherwise. Now that savings have been depleted, we must borrow to spend. The yellow brick road, which the stealers of our time promised will lead to only good things, is leading us instead into destitution.

The theft of time ends in a credit-driven crisis

The theft of our time through monetary debasement has continued apace ever since the discipline of gold was removed from the global monetary system. This occurred in steps from the early 1930s but accelerated after the Nixon shock in 1971. Prices then began to rise rapidly, as money’s purchasing power declined. The state eventually found a solution to rising prices: it just denies they are happening. The contents of consumer price index is continually rotated and adjusted, which in effect goal-seeks a modest two per cent annual rise.

In the 1980s governments came up with a new wheeze to augment declining savings: lend money to savers through the banks in order to inflate assets and consumption. They did this by repealing the Glass-Steagall legislation, which separated investment banking from commercial lending. Credit became increasingly available for residential property, credit cards and personal loans. The banks gained economic power and profits by creating this credit out of thin air and bankers made fortunes for themselves.

Since the 1980s, the destruction of genuine savings has been offset by the asset inflation fuelled through this easy credit. The excesses led to the 1987 crash, the dot-com bubble in 2000, and the residential property bubble in 2006-07. But the downs in property and financial asset prices were always rescued by yet more credit. Following the Lehman crisis ten years ago, the debasement of money has accelerated, asset prices have inflated, and price inflation has been concealed by the goal-seeking CPI.

The lack of any constancy in the currency allows the state to act without the bulk of the population being aware it is being robbed of its earnings, its savings, its future, its time. The simple truth is that not only is everyone poorer than they might have otherwise been, but they are poorer in absolute terms as well. Every year, the public is robbed some more, to the point where eventually there will be very little left to give, relative to the state’s escalating demands.

We must be close to that point. Only this week, we have seen the Christmas trade in Britain fail. Falling bank shares are an ominous leading indicator. Everywhere, people are less keen to borrow the credit offered by motor manufacturers to finance the purchase of their cars. Credit cards are maxed out. Homeless numbers in England, the ultimate indicator of personal distress, are up 169% since 2010.[ii] Additionally, tariffs, which are consumer taxes and taxes on production, are being imposed on Americans leaving them poorer.

The inevitable and forthcoming crisis is taking us to the end of that yellow brick road. We are not going out in a speculative bang, but with an impoverished whimper, with nothing left to give. And when the state collects diminished returns through taxes, it always seeks to recover them through yet more monetary debasement.

We know it ends in crisis, because history and logic say so. We appear to be on the verge of it, because of the message from the markets. Corporate bond markets in both America and the EU are in a stasis.[iii] We are also told that US banks are pulling the rug on corporate loans.[iv]

They call this deflationary, an imprecise term, which as Humpty Dumpty said, “it means what I choose it to mean”. A better description for what is happening is that it is the consequence of an accumulating and continual theft of peoples’ time by the state through the unfettered issuance of money and credit. Calling it deflation encourages the state’s agents to debase the currency even further, in the naïve belief that it is the antonym of inflation.

Stock markets are now falling, because investors are suspending their belief that the state is in control and can avoid deflation while steering us into a promised land of perpetually rising asset values. But when investors begin to think, as opposed to believe, the awkward questions will start coming. If the currency is being debased, the state will have to borrow escalating quantities of its own money just to stand still. And since the state has taken responsibility for our welfare, in a recession (another of Humpty Dumpty’s imprecise words) the state will have to borrow even more.

Where will the money come from? And at what interest rates? If borrowing costs are rising because we have nothing left to fund escalating state commitments, what of the corporations that calculate their returns based on the rising cost of working capital? Have bond markets and bank lending seized up because the banks have thrown in the towel? Having taken command of our time-preferences, has the state itself finally lost control?

It is only faith that allowed us to believe otherwise. Faith in the state, and faith in its credit. Without that, the state’s unbacked money loses its purchasing power, wasting all that time the state has taken from us. We can redefine the upcoming inflationary slump as being simply the visible destruction of everyone’s time."

WHITE FLAG ? NO POSITIONING ? Probably you lose your identity !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where does raising a white flag in the battle over your core values lead? Ask the Boy Scouts of America. After throwing up their hands on 103 years of conviction, the group may finally be learning that standing on principle isn't easy -- but it's a whole lot better than the alternative.
The fight to live out your beliefs can be an exhausting one. Until 2000, the Scouts had spent years in court just for the freedom to stick to its moral code. They won, but -- to the organization's dismay -- the battle didn't end. Waves of LGBT activists kept coming, and the pressure built until 2013, when BSA leaders gave into the lie that compromise would be their salvation. Five years later, we all can see: there's almost nothing left to save.
A half-decade into its LGBT experiment, the Boy Scouts are a step away from bankruptcy. Turns out, their defining moment may also be a fatal one. As the Wall Street Journal reports, the group has been bleeding members since it broke camp and allowed in kids and leaders who openly identify as gay and transgender. Not long after that, one of its biggest backers, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, announced the withdrawal of tens of thousands of young LDS from the program. Then, the paper points out, there was the fallout from recruiting girls, which not only angered its base -- but pitted the organization in a legal war with Girl Scouts USA. Now, a program that used to be one of America's finest is considering Chapter 11.
Friends, if you're wondering where the road of compromise leads, this is it. This is the future of anyone in the Christian community who exchanges the truth for cowardly conformism. The Boy Scouts dropped their moral mandate to accommodate what they don't believe. In the current climate, that's called "inclusion." But if the Scouts were being more inclusive, why didn't their numbers grow? Because, when you try to appeal to a conflicting moral viewpoint you only end up attracting the conflict!
Right now, too many churches, Christian colleges, and leaders are dangerously close to making the same mistake. They're so desperate or fearful -- or both --- that they're willing to water down who they are to protect the small space they're standing on. There's just one problem: the gospel's truth isn't up for negotiation. And in their rush to soften the blow of its confrontation, some believers are losing their identity.
Christians in Paul's time were no different. Like humans throughout history, they craved acceptance. "I am astonished," Paul wrote to the Galatians, "that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel -- which is really no gospel at all. Evidently, some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ... Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings or of God? ...If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."
The Boy Scouts wandered so far away from their identity that by the end of 2016, they even dropped their most defining characteristic: boys. In the end, it ruined them. That's the destiny of any Christian who takes the naïve view that world can be placated. It can't. True love, I Corinthians 13:6 tells us, is truth. It's being salt and light in a draining, unforgiving culture. "Come out from them and be separate," Paul said, because he understands that in the end, it's not our sameness with the world that transforms people. It's our distinction. And one of the greatest is standing for truth -- even when we're standing alone.
….Courtesy  FRC.ORG

martedì 18 dicembre 2018

A CRUCIAL BOOK by Giorgio Ferrari

I like very very very much a crucial book by Giorgio Ferrari , "Gianfranco Miglio , storia di un giacobino nordista" 1993.


I like by Simon Levis Sullam "I carnefici italiani, storia del genocidio degli ebrei, 1943-1945" Feltrinelli

La sera del 5 dicembre 1943, il giovane pianista Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli suona al Teatro La Fenice di Venezia. In quelle stesse ore, polizia, carabinieri e volontari del ricostituito Partito fascista – i carnefici italiani – compiono in città una delle maggiori retate di ebrei nella penisola dopo quella condotta dai tedeschi a Roma il 16 ottobre. Sulla base del censimento della popolazione di “razza ebraica” condotto a partire dal 1938, oltre centocinquanta tra uomini, donne, vecchi e bambini vengono stanati dalle loro case e tradotti alle locali carceri. Nei giorni successivi i loro beni vengono sequestrati, gli appartamenti sigillati o destinati ad altri italiani. I prigionieri saranno poi trasferiti a Fossoli di Carpi, il principale campo di transito degli ebrei nella Repubblica sociale, gestito da forze italiane. Qui saranno detenuti in condizioni precarie e, quindi, caricati su vagoni piombati – dopo la consegna in mani tedesche – su cui verranno condotti alla morte nel campo di sterminio di Auschwitz. Questi eventi si ripeterono in modo analogo, tra l’autunno del 1943 e la primavera del 1945, nelle principali città e in una miriade di piccoli paesi del centro-nord della penisola italiana. Perché si tende ancora a rimuovere il ricordo di queste vicende, mentre prevale quello dei “salvatori” e dei “giusti”? Perché raramente si ricorda che almeno metà degli arresti di ebrei fu condotta da italiani, senza ordini o diretta partecipazione dei tedeschi? Perché ancora oggi spesso si sostiene che l’Italia e il fascismo siano rimasti “al di fuori del cono d’ombra dell’Olocausto”? Perché si preferisce celebrare il mito del “bravo italiano” e si dimenticano i carnefici italiani: uomini e donne che parteciparono al genocidio degli ebrei? Settant’anni dopo le deportazioni degli ebrei dall’Italia, questo libro cerca di dare risposta a domande scomode.
“In queste pagine vogliamo raccontare chi, in quali contesti, con quali motivazioni e in che modo partecipò nel nostro paese al genocidio degli ebrei. E vogliamo farlo mettendo in primo piano i carnefici, dopo che negli ultimi anni troppo spesso si è parlato soltanto dei salvatori, correndo così il rischio che sulla scena appaiano solo le vittime e i giusti e restino invece in modo crescente, se non definitivamente, nell’ombra i persecutori."

sabato 15 dicembre 2018

Carrozzeria FORMULA 1 a Lurate Caccivio, Como, Italia, Lombardia (o Calabria ?)

Articolo del 2 marzo 2017 dal giornale LA PROVINCIA di Como, che la dice lunga sui rapporti , perlomeno, opachi nella zona:

Villa Guardia: rogo Formula Uno
Chiesti 19 anni di cella
Pesanti le richieste di condanna del pubblico ministero dell’antimafia contro Giuseppe Oliverio. Il magistrato tratteggia l’immagine di un territorio pronto a rivolgersi ai clan per dirimere le controversie

Il gommista di Villa Guardia «non era certo Pablo Escobar», chiosa nella sua lunghissima requisitoria il pubblico ministero della direzione antimafia di Milano Marcello Tatangelo. Eppure le richieste di pena sono da narcotrafficante di peso. L’accusa presenta il conto a Giuseppe “Pino” Oliverio e ai suoi presunti complici in un giro di droga con epicentro proprio i locali della Formula 1 gomme: 19 anni di carcere è la richiesta di condanna avanzata dal pubblico ministero al termine della sua requisitoria per Oliverio, 12 anni e mezzo la pena sollecitata per Filippo Rinaldi, assunto da Oliverio mentre finiva di scontare una condanna proprio a dodici anni e proprio per traffico di droga, 5 anni e 4 mesi la richiesta per Giuseppe Ruberto e, infine, 4 anni e 4 mesi - in continuazione con una precedente condanna - la pena sollecitata per il comasco Alessio Meneghini, amministratore della Formula 1 gomme di Oliverio.
Le richieste di condanna sono arrivate ieri pomeriggio al termine di una giornata in cui il magistrato dell’antimafia ha ripercorso la lunga inchiesta che ha portato all’arresto di un uomo «capace di muoversi tra due binari paralleli: gli esponenti della ’ndrangheta locale ai quali chiede protezione e i poliziotti ai quali fornisce informazioni confidenziali». Una figura, quella di Oliverio, che secondo il magistrato avrebbe gestito «ingenti traffici di cocaina, marijuana e hashish» attraverso quello che è stato definito dal pubblico ministero come «il vero asset dell’attività» di “Pino”: la Formula 1 gomme. Attività che consentiva ad Oliverio di «muoversi tra i due mondi paralleli» composti da delinquenti da una parte e forze di polizia dall’altro al punto da fare di tutto per poterla avere: anche - attacca l’accusa - estorcerla a Vincenzo Francomano, il carrozziere titolare dell’officina Formula Uno che ha denunciato Oliverio e soci dopo anni di minacce e soprusi.

venerdì 14 dicembre 2018


I like very much :"The Devil we don't know, the dark side of revolutions in the middle east" by Nonie Darwish, 2012. (I bough it in New York on march 2012).

martedì 4 dicembre 2018

MA QUALE CRISI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Io vado a Sharm El Shiek !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tra gennaio ed agosto del 2018, leggo su IL GIORNALE del 2 dicembre 2018, 54.653 italiani sono andati in vacanza in Egitto viaggiando su Air Cairo verso le localita' di Sharm El Sheik e Marsa Matrouh:tutta gente, che, in maggior parte , se fa le vacanze, se la passa bene e magari non va nemmeno a votare, beneficiaria di rendite politiche e idee politiche di persone come me che difendono  la classe media e fanno una politica liberale.

sabato 1 dicembre 2018


I LIKE _Public assistance_ by AGNOSTIC FRONT:

You spend your life on welfare lines
Or looking for handouts
Why don't you go find a job
You birth more kids to up your checks
So you can buy more drugs
Cash in food stamps and get drunk
Uncle Sam takes half my pay
So you can live for free
I got a family and bills to pay
No one hands money to me
You can go to school for nothing
Got that government grant
Get money in advance
When you're sick from shooting up
Medicaid pays full portion
When little Maria gets knocked up
She gets a free abortion
How come it's minorities who cry
Things are too tough
On TV with their gold chains
Claim they don't have enough
I say make them clean the sewers
Don't take no resistance
If they don't like it go to hell
And cut their public assistance

lunedì 29 ottobre 2018


I personally knew mr Matteo Salvini in 2005 when he came to Faloppio (co) italy to speak with me about the European Project and I have been in the Northern League from 2004 to 2011:I changed my mind about Northern League in 2011 and 2012 when Northern League was transformed in a national political party openly fascist / maoist, betrayng the North of Italy.

Currently the politics of La LEGA and Beppe Grillo and Di Maio of five star are a stance against Europe , spending money THEY DON'T HAVE.
So the italian public debt is balooning.
This is the reason why, now and since 2016, I vote for FORZA ITALIA of Silvio Berlusconi, the only true italian conservative party in line with Frederich von Hayek.

giovedì 18 ottobre 2018


"Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe.Civilization is the process of setting man free from men"

domenica 7 ottobre 2018


I totally don't like mr Paul Elliott Singer (New York, 22 agosto 1944) and his fund, Elliott Management Corporation , mainly because they are maoists (they are a sort of FAKE CAPITALISM) and support OMOSEXUALS and GAY RIGHTS.
_Listen to my telephone call to Telelombardia, Buongiorno Lombardia, 24 may 2018, at 8.16 in the morning, about Elliott management corporation and Telecom italia and the firing of 4.000 workers of Telecom Italia_

sabato 6 ottobre 2018

Mia telefonata del 6 ottobre 2018 a radio padania alle 9.11

Riporto un riassunto della telefonata che oggi alle 9.11 ho fatto a Radio Padania, dopo la rassegna stampa del (mi dicono architetto) arch. Citterio :
"Sono Gianpaolo Bernasconi, da Faloppio, il servo dei servi; volevo dire due cose:
A) I veri antidemocratici sono gli esponenti del Partito Democratico che fanno cose come la riforma delle Province a firma di Graziano Delrio.
Infatti la riforma di Graziano Delrio delle Province italiane , ha reso meno democratico il processo di elezione dei candidati restringendolo ad un gioco di esponenti di partito e togliendo il potere di voto, dei rappresentanti, alla gente.
B) Sono d'accordo con l'assunzione dei 10.000 nuovi poliziotti , ma penso che, come in Nord Europa, le forze dell'ordine vadano razionalizzate secondo i principi della economia di scala e del mancato conflitto di competenze, incorporando i Carabinieri nella Polizia di stato _a questo proposito si veda il mio video su you tube del 27 settembre 2017 "Ancora sulla fusione dei Carabinieri nella Polizia /Cinque Stelle"_.

martedì 2 ottobre 2018

Mia candidatura alle prossime elezioni europee per FORZA ITALIA

Potrei essere molto utile come candidato alle prossime elezioni europee per Forza Italia, ma non credo che Forza Italia si attivera' in questo senso. (Non credo che mi proporra' come candidato per Forza Italia alle prossime elezioni europee).

giovedì 27 settembre 2018

Reintroduzione servizio militare obbligatorio di leva

Il servizio militare obbligatorio di leva , per me e' stata una esperienza dolorosa.
Ma vale il detto americano NO PAIN NO GAIN.
Infatti, in Italia e come e' sempre stato in Svizzera o Norvegia, il servizio miltare di leva va reintrodotto per vari motivi:
A) Sprovincializzare parecchi giovani italiani, in concreto.
B) Creare un minimo di sentimento nazionale.
C) Far capire il concetto di gerarchia.
D) Creare un esercito della gente in grado di reagire ad eventuali colpi di stato.
E) Creare un ulteriore agenzia (oltre alla chiesa cattolica,ONG,AVIS, associazione dello yoga etc etc), come le associazioni di ex militari come l'ANA degli alpini, che aiutano chi ha fatto il militare, nella successiva vita civile tramite la cooperazione, aumentando, allo stesso tempo, il pluralismo politico.
F) Evitare uno stato di Polizia o di Carabinieri o di Vigili urbani  o Guardia di finanza  tramite una conoscenza della vita militare del giovane che ha svolto la leva ed una cooperazione di appartenenza al corpo militare.
G) Allontanare i giovani da agenzie del crimine come la mafia siciliana o la 'ndrangheta calabrese o altre agenzie criminali.
H) Concedere, di fatto, il possesso del fucile da assalto all'ex militare , come avviene in Svizzera, dato che la criminalita' non ha alcun problema nel procurarsi un arma.
I) Far capire , che l'esercito ha uno scopo nobile, ossia non solo quello della guerra di conquista, ma in particolare della guerra di difesa, guerra di difesa da sempre, dal medioevo, ritenuta un diritto anche dalla dottrina cristiana e della Chiesa cattolica.

martedì 25 settembre 2018

RACISM :the ineradicable sin ?

Racism: The Ineradicable Sin?

For today’s radical Left, which now has virtually uncontested control of the Democratic Party, racism is the universal and unforgiveable sin. It is also considered a sin that so permeates society that it is ineradicable except by a societal revolution -- one that completely rearranges what is deemed an inherently oppressive hierarchy continually contaminated by microaggressions passed down from tyrannical generation to generation.
It’s well to recall that every age has had a version of a universal and unforgiveable sin, a mark of Cain signifying an ineradicable stain condemning the offending race, ethnicity or class to perpetual ostracization from the rest of society. For the thirteenth-century poet Dante, the worst sin was betrayal. Betrayers who like the biblical Cain betrayed and slew those closest to them, were consigned to the Ninth Circle of Hell, where they were eternally frozen in ice up to their necks. Julius Caesar’s assassin Brutus lived in that circle, remorsefully and eternally -- yet ineffectively -- shedding tears of ice.
J. Robert Nash notes that for many living in England’s Victorian era, “The morality of the family, no matter what the class, was passionately clung to. To abandon the abiding concept of marriage and the family was to commit the unforgivable sin, the unpardonable betrayal.” Those who broke the code were consigned to the status of outcasts, made eternal wanderers like Cain.
In modern times, the inequities of wealth and the classes seen as wrongfully possessing too much occupied the minds of communists, who sought to rearrange social hierarchy by redistribution of goods and status.
It is also well to remember that numbers of Christians in the American South believed the mark of Cain and the curse of Ham rested on blacks in perpetuity. While the biblical story of Cain never mentions race, even some of the earliest church fathers believed Cain’s skin turned black after he murdered his brother Abel. Later theologians would perpetrate the idea that the descendants of Noah’s son Ham were perpetually doomed to be servants of others. This is to say nothing of the distortion of the New Testament admonitions to Roman slaves to obey their masters.
An entire theological edifice was erected to support the odious system of chattel slavery that once characterized the South. The idea that God intended blacks to remain subject to their owners, most but not all of whom were white, continued to be fixed in the minds and actions of many who considered themselves to be Christians. Thankfully, today virtually none who call themselves Christians continue to believe in the malignant dogmas that supported slavery.
The pernicious idea that a particular race or class of people bears the mark of Cain and so is inherently inferior and deserving of lower status than others has always been an inclination of the human race. That tendency has certainly not been confined to America, but historically has been and is found in all cultures and among all races. Every empire in history has deemed certain peoples as inferior beings who should be conquered.
The use of a single pejorative lens through which to view certain races and classes and through which to interpret all of humanity and its history always results in societal distortions and sometimes unmitigated disaster.
The Stalinist era considered the kulak class of Russia inherently wicked because of their supposedly undeserved prosperity and evil desire to keep what they had worked for. Millions of them starved to death when the Soviet government condemned them as a class, seizing their grain and livestock while collectivizing their land.
Though the genocide of Armenian Christians has never been acknowledged by the government of Turkey, hundreds of thousands were driven out of their homes into the wilderness, there to die exposure and starvation. Many were tortured; some were even crucified.
As most know, the targeting of Jews as an inherently evil race resulted in the near-extermination of European and Slavic Jewry.
Knowledge of the awful results when a particular class, ethnicity or race is deemed as leprous to society and therefore worthy of being diminished, set aside or even killed is a reason why any idea the white race alone is inherently and irretrievably -- in fact, almost genetically -- disposed to the evils of racism should be regarded with deep, deep suspicion.
The current trends in academia -- or what passes for academia -- in which whites are lectured about “white privilege;” where the separation of nonwhites into aggrieved groups which close the door to participation by whites; where whites’ contributions to literature and history are increasingly disdained; and where colonialism is viewed as a purely white phenomenon, are purely toxic and smack of deliberate racism. Every race has been guilty of colonization and oppression, not just white Europeans. It’s well to recall the history of empires. Mongols, for instance, destroyed Kievan Rus and killed or enslaved Russian whites.
Add the media’s and Hollywood’s endless virtue signaling of their own sinlessness while eternally questing for microaggressions committed by whites -- all the while busily revising or openly destroying the memory of the past, and it is difficult if not impossible not to see the onus of the mark of Cain now is being stamped on whites by radicalized fringe groups.
It is now only too common to write and speak of white people as inherently guilty of racism -- born to it, so to speak. Such a theory is a new and revisionist theological version of the older and more accurate theological doctrine of original sin, which essentially acknowledges the truth that every human being ever born, regardless of race or class, will do wrong things. The doctrine of original sin notes that every human being bears a verisimilitude of the Mark of Cain, which mark is often characterized by anger and hatred toward one’s fellow human being. Anger and resentment of the “other” is, as Christ pointed out, an indicator of murderous intent, be it killing outright or by degrees.
Singling out the white race as now bearing the mark of Cain will not rectify the sin of racism. Making whites bear eternal guilt and punishment for past and current offenses will not heal wounds and certainly will not expurgate the sins of the past -- which sins do need to be remembered, repented of and rejected.
What will be achieved is the corruption of the legal principle that every person is responsible for the sins he or she commits and that no one is to be held accountable for the sins of one’s predecessors.
What will be achieved is a caste system characterized by race, some of which are considered untouchable because of the color of their skin; some of which are considered intrinsically more wicked than others; some of which must pay reparations for the sins of the fathers from generation to generation.
What will be achieved is a rigid stratification and hierarchical order that undoes the great, ongoing, and heroic effort of America to give every person a chance to make of one’s self whatever one can. The permeability of the American classes will be vitiated, and a new version of apartheid will rise, accompanied by all the inequities inherent in such an abhorrent social system.
Benjamin Disraeli, once prime minister of England, noted in his novel Sybil what he saw as the three successive great influences in England: “…The influence of races in our early ages, of the Church in our middle, and of parties in our modern destiny are three great moving and modifying powers.”
Though he did not mean “race” in quite the same way as we moderns, it is fair to say that for the better part of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the Church’s and political parties’ social modifying powers have given way to ideologies based on race, class, and ethnicity. Who among us can forget the odium of Nazi ideology based on hatred of so-called “inferior” races and peoples?
Such ideologies have been and are characterized by the untenable idea that one race (or class) is superior to another, and that one race or class deserves to be considered inherently unequal by reason of birth into their particular race or social class. The horrific results of such ideologies are recorded and incontestable history. Tens of millions have died because it was thought such tainted races and classes deserved to die.
A deliberate remembrance of the Jewish and Christian belief in the origin of mankind and its status as created in the image of God is the remedy to racism, not matter what form it takes.
As Dutch theologian and stateman Abraham Kuyper put it in his lectures on the influence of Calvinism on politics in the Western world, “Man is created by man, and by virtue of his birth he is organically united with the whole human race. Together we form one humanity. All the human race is from one blood.”
Martin Luther King, Jr. would echo Kuyper’s words in speech after speech. He would lose his life because of his bold proclamation of the universality of humanity and his reminder that all derive their value from their Creator. How often did King reprise the Hebrew prophet Malachi’s cry, “Have we not all one Father? Hath not one God created us?”
It is past time to recover the idea that every human being has his or her origin from the Creator. It is past time to recall that every one of us is inevitably sinful yet has access to redemption. It is past time to put aside the pernicious ideologies based on race and class -- whatever form they take.
It is past time to take on the responsibility for one another Cain rejected when he said, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” in response to God’s question, “Where is your brother Abel?”
We are one another’s keepers.
Fay Voshell holds a M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, which awarded her its prize for excellence in systematic theology. She is a regular contributor to American Thinker. Her thoughts have appeared in many other online magazines, including CNS, Fox News, National Review, Barbwire, RealClearReligion and Russia Insider. She may be reached at

sabato 11 agosto 2018


"If God is dead, then all things are permissible.”— FEODOR DOSTOEVSKY

mercoledì 8 agosto 2018

Socialism's Downfall

THE FOLLOWING IS A VERY GOOD ARTICLE BY Steve McCann, published on August 7, 2018:

With the unexpected success of Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primaries and Democrats swooning over the newest face in the crowd, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, socialism – or its latest euphemism, "Democratic Socialism" – is the new hot-button issue of the American left and its Millennial allies, who are enamored by its egalitarian rhetoric.  Socialism has been ruinous everywhere it has been tried, yet this cabal is just the latest in a long line of true believers throughout the Western world, convinced that they are so exceptional that they can succeed where so many before them have failed.  Their naïveté oozes from every pore as they mindlessly rail against capitalism and tout the theoretical benefits of socialism.
Why has socialism failed everywhere it has been tried – and why does it continue to do so – despite the best efforts of the die-hard true believers in the United States and the rest of the world?  The original and current proponents of socialism fail to take into account one basic and immutable factor: the fundamental nature of the human race.
The most dominant trait mankind has, as do all living creatures, is an innate desire to survive and prosper.
While some may willingly choose to pursue subsistence on their own terms, to the majority of the human race, the path of least resistance is the most desired.  Thus, mankind is susceptible to financial scams, gambling, crime, and resentment or violence toward those who may have more.  Above all, far too many people are open to the concept of a central authority providing them with the means of livelihood.
A secondary characteristic of the human race, again shared by other species, is the need by some within the group to conquer or maintain control over their fellow creatures.
The mid-19th century saw the dawning of the Industrial Revolution and the rise in living standards and education for the populace in Europe.  It was this same period that saw the advent of socialist-Marxist theory.  In nations rapidly industrializing, those who considered themselves superior to the masses, and in the past may have achieved ruling status through the power of intimidation over the illiterate and unwashed, now had to look to other means to achieve control of the levers of government.
Following the basic blueprint as set out by Marx and Engels, by the early part of the 20th century, the easiest course to assume this power was to promise, in return for the support of the majority of the people, that the state, through a new ruling class, would provide the citizenry cradle-to-grave economic security.  Thus, a Faustian bargain encompassing the desire by the majority for ease of survival, and others for the need to rule, would be entered into. 
This arrangement contains the seeds of its own destruction.  For socialism to succeed, it must have an economic underpinning that can provide the foundation for massive social spending.  Following the guidelines as set out by Karl Marx, the Soviet Union as early as the 1920s and '30s proved, beyond any doubt, that complete state control of the means of production was a colossal failure, as it could not begin to produce anywhere near enough wealth to support the population.  Therefore, to have any chance of success, socialism would have to evolve into a parasite attaching itself to capitalism until the host eventually succumbed.
Only the capitalist economic system operating within an open and free society, which is anathema to a powerful central government and its attendant oligarchy, can produce sufficient wealth to underwrite a social safety net for the general public, provide employment for the populace, and finance the basic services provided by government at all levels.
Capitalism, reflective of that portion of mankind choosing to seek subsistence on their own terms, does by its nature celebrate the success of the individual, not the collective.  Individuals, separately or together, driven by the motive of self-enrichment, produce goods and services desired by others.  In the process, jobs and wealth are created, benefiting society as a whole.
A massive tension exists between those who adhere to central government control and swear fealty to socialist-Marxist philosophy and those who produce the wealth of a nation.  The state inherently has more power than the individual, and once the left-wing or socialist element of the ruling class irretrievably assumes power, government becomes the vehicle to inexorably meddle in and manipulate the affairs and livelihood of the individual and producer class (which is always a minority in any society).
Those who believe they have a manifest destiny to rule and are faithful to socialist dogma have a predisposition to control the populace and economic activity through laws, regulations, taxes, and intimidation. Despite the lessons of the Soviet Union, Venezuela and Communist China and their state control of the economy, as well as many Euro-socialist nations rapidly turning away from statism, every new generation of adherents to socialist ideology believe that they can make this fallacious philosophy work and maintain their arrangement with the citizenry while, not coincidentally, enriching themselves. 
The reality is that they cannot: the economic engine of capitalism will not continue to produce wealth if it is increasingly taxed and put under the thumb of bureaucrats and central planners inevitably attempting not only to institute state control of the economy, but also to regulate the day-to-day lives of all citizens.  The motivation of the producer class will be stifled, and the producers will drop out, join the dependent class, or simply move to other more hospitable countries.
These governments, as history has shown, will then turn to excessive and unsustainable borrowing and inflation to finance their societal obligations.  The implied contract between the statists and the citizens who were promised cradle-to-grave security cannot be maintained, as the economic underpinning of this arrangement quickly erodes.  The standard of living will drop precipitously.  Political upheaval and potential violence lie just below the surface.  Thus the dire situation of the citizens in nations such as Cuba and Venezuela as well as other failed states in Africa and South America.
The Founding Fathers of the United States, one of the greatest confluences of brilliant minds in the history of mankind, understood the basic nature of human beings.  They accordingly set forth a form of government and a written constitution to limit those who seek hegemony over the people, especially those seeking unlimited economic security from an all-powerful central government.  They recognized that only the individual free to pursue economic happiness would result in a society wherein all benefit on a sustained basis.
The latest generation of the proponents of socialism in the United States have never endured any national adversity, as this country has experienced unprecedented peace and prosperity for nearly four generations.  Far too many, because of a desire to be part of the in crowd as well as outright ignorance, are captivated by the egalitarian theory of socialism-Marxism without realizing that it is no more than a vehicle for others to seize power by exploiting the foibles of human nature in order to control and manipulate the people, including many of those currently and ignorantly espousing its so-called virtues.

sabato 7 luglio 2018

Idee proprie ed idee altrui, buona e malafede

Avrete notato che , a volte, anzi spesso, nel mio blog appaiono articoli presi da altri giornali.
Infatti, io, a differenza di molti, quando il copyright e' di altri lo dico e lo esplicito, ad esempio riportando per intero l'articolo altrui, a differenza di molti altri , giornalisti o bloggers o uomini politici che leggono gli articoli altrui e poi scrivono degli articoli che sono la copia di altri articoli, ossia copiano le idee altrui facendole passare per proprie e spesso lo fanno in malafede, ossia consci di copiare idee altrui
Io , quindi , a differenza di molti altri giornalisti o bloggers od uomini politici , le fonti altrui , tendo a citarle, il piu' possibile (dico il "piu' possibile" perché puo' capitare anche , che una persona esprima idee altrui senza sempre rendersene conto, ossia in buonafede).

giovedì 5 luglio 2018

REGULATION'S negative effect on productivity

Here below a very good letter , published by the FT on 15 june 2018, about the influence on productivity by an excessive regulation:

Martin Wolf, in "waiting for a Productivity resurgence" (June 13) summarises some of the many thoughts expressed to explain the decline in productivity growth in recente years.One factor that has not received  much publicity is the impact of regulation.
On most occasions where a new regulation is introduced, three things has happen that are negative to productivity.First, one or more persons need to be appointed to monitor and enforce the new regulation.In that role they do not contribute to the nations's output.These persons will for the most part, have previously performed productive tasks.Second, one or more persons need to be appointed sa compliance officers by those businesses whose activities are impacted by the new regulations.Again , in their new role, suche persons will not contribute to the nations's output.These persons will also in most cases have previously performed prductive tasks.Third, the fact of compliance with new regulation will, in most (although not all), cases result in a reduction in the productivity of each business impacted trough interference with optimum (in terms of efficiency) practice.
Many regulations are essential for safety (in one form or another).Others are required to prevent fraud, abuse and (undeniably) improper practices..In a few cases, a new regulation will stimulate a revision in practice which will increase productivity.However, it needs to be recognised that OVERALL there is a trade-off, in the negative impact on national productivity resulting from increased regulation.
PETER FERGUSSON, Guildford , Surrey, UK.

About the subject above you can read too ;"The italian challenge to eurozone" by Martin Wolf, in FT 19 june2018 and LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY in the FT, on the first page , on 28 june 2018, about the value added per person at purchasing power parity , $ 000s.

giovedì 28 giugno 2018

Anche fra i giornalisti vivono e prosperano le pecore nere

Riporto un ottima risposta apparsa su IL GIORNALE di Silvio Berlusconi del 27 giugno 2018, di Livio Caputo, nella rubrica DALLA VOSTRA PARTE:
"Nella mia qualita' di giornalista di lungo corso, dovrei essere lusingato o addirittura commosso dalla sua lettera, signor Cellin.Il guaio e' che non sono d'accordo:mi disturba il fatto che il suo riconoscimento vada indiscriminatamente a tutti i giornalisti, quando sappiamo benissimo che, come nelle altre categorie, anche noi abbiamo i nostri buoni ed i nostri cattivi, i nostri onesti ed i nostri disonesti, i nostri obiettivi ed i nostri faziosi, i nostri in buona ed i nostri in cattiva fede.Come posso per esempio accettare che vengano tributati tanti onori a un Marco Travaglio, che ha costruito la sua carriera sputando veleno su Berlusconi, o an un Giulietto Chiesa, che dopo aver passato una vita a magnificare da Mosca i fasti dell'URSS ha poi scritto un libro in cui sosteneva che l'undici settembre non e' stata opera di Al Qaeda ? se vuole di casi simili gliene posso citare a decine.Non e' neppure vero , ora che sono finiti i terribili anni di piombo cui abbiamo effettivamente pagato un pesante tributo di sangue, tutti i giornalisti vengano intimiditi e minacciati solo perché hanno il coraggio di dire la verita' ai cittadini:questa e' solo la sorte dei grandi opinionisti che denunciano i mali nazionali e dei non molti giornalisti investigativi che vanno a frugare nei segreti della malavita organizzata, della corruzione politica o del terrorismo islamico:loro si che meritano i suoi elogi, estenderli alla intera categoria mi pare eccessivo.Non sono neppure sicuro , che , al giorno di oggi, si possa fare una distizione cosi' netta tra chi fa  giornalismo e chi fa propaganda:lo spartiacque tra le due cose e' diventato incerto.Del resto lei stesso fa due citazioni di Montanelli (nei grandi giornali di oggi , che non possono farne a meno, chi comanda non e' piu' il direttore, ma l'ufficio marketing 2) chiunque vorra' diventare giornalista si ricordi di scegliere sempre il proprio padrone:il lettore) che , in un certo senso, cotraddicono il gran bene che dice di noi.La ringrazio percio' sentitamente per la sua lettera , ma la prego di tenete presente che non tutti meritano di essere considerati senza macchia e senza paura.

martedì 26 giugno 2018


Riporto un ottimo scritto di  UDO GÜMPEL:
(25 gennaio 2015, all’indomani della vittoria di Syriza alle elezioni greche – dal suo profilo facebook)
È cominciata l’ora della verità per Alexis Tsipras.
Ha vinto giustamente in Grecia e ora deve governare un paese rovinato da tutti governi precedenti. Tsipras su una cosa ha certamente ragione: La Grecia così come è conciata oggi non potrà mai pagare i 350 miliardi di debiti di stato. E gli Stati dell’Euro devono finalmente dichiarare pubblicamente ciò che loro sanno da anni ma temono di ammettere: La Grecia è uno Stato fallito, in bancarotta, totalmente insolvente, e da anni. È sopravvissuta a stenti grazie ai 237,5 miliardi europei dei paesi dell’Euro e del FMI, dati in tre programmi di aiuti. Nonostante i tassi favorevolissimi accordati intorno al 1% potranno rimborsare poco o niente. I privati creditori sono già stati tosati nel primo haircut nel 2012 per 103 miliardi di Euro, una perdita superiore al 50% del loro capitale investito. Chi comprerebbe mai più un titolo di stato greco? Nessuno sano di mente. Ora vediamo il programma di Tsipras. Farà meglio dei suoi predecessori?
Le origini dell’attuale disastro era una orgia di spesa pubblica. Dal 2002 al 2009 la Grecia ha finanziato ben 170 miliardi di uscite permanenti con il ricorso al debito, facendo lievitare lo stock totale dal 152 miliardi iniziali ai 350 allo scoppio della crisi. Quali erano le cause dunque? Assunzioni folli nel pubblico impiego. Regalie fiscali a tutti. Innalzamento di stipendi in ogni settore, pensioni per tutti “gratis”, anche senza aver mai versato un soldo. Tutto grazie all’Euro garantito dai paesi-partner. Come credevano o facevano finta di credere le banche, colpevoli anche loro di creduloneria massima. Pazienza, loro, i privati, sono stati tosati bene: hanno perso più della metà del loro capitale nel primo haircut greco. Il problema del governo Tsipras è uno solo. Il programma politico del giovane vincitore dell’estrema sinistra è esattamente lo stesso di Nea Demokratia e del Pasok. Spendere e spandere i soldi degli altri. Solo che oggi questi soldi “degli altri” non esistono più. Nessuna banca del mondo presta più un dollaro, un euro alla Grecia senza le garanzie reali dei partner dell’Euro.
Naturalmente, i gonzi credono che ora tutto sia un problema della Germania. Al contrario. L’Italia ha impegnato 54 miliardi di Euro negli aiuti, la Germania perderebbe fino a 75 miliardi, nel caso di una insolvenza completa. Ma la Germania ha il bilancio pubblico in avanzo, mica in rosso. Sarebbe un colpo, ma rimarrebbe sempre sotto il 2 % del deficit. Accettabile, per un anno. Per l’Italia sarebbe un tracollo finanziario totale. Il default della Grecia tirerebbe dietro il semi-default dell’Italia. Ora, è bene che Tsipras governi. E` bene che lui si renda conto che la vita con i soldi prestati – prima dalle banche e ora dai cittadini europei – è finita da un po’.
Tsipras caccia la Troika? Ci provi. E allora cerchi di far pagare le tasse ai Greci. Magari chiede aiuto ai miliardari greci che hanno sistemato 200 miliardi di Euro sui conti svizzeri. Oppure chiede alla sinistra radicale europea una auto-tassazione per mantenere statali che protestano di andare in pensione con 62 anni, richiesta incredibilmente brutale che priva il milioncino di statali della Grecia di preziosi anni della pensione. È giunta l’ora della verità.

"L'antipolitica " di Dacia Maraini

Riporto un ottimo articolo di Dacia Maraini apparso oggi su il "Corriere della sera":

"L’antipolitica trionfa, si diffonde allegramente in un Paese anarcoide come il nostro. L’antipolitica, che vorrebbe essere una specie di smacchiatore della coscienza pubblica, si sta trasformando in odio e disprezzo per le istituzioni. Un odio pericolosissimo, perché le istituzioni servono per garantire la democrazia. Dove le istituzioni e le leggi non funzionano, dominano i più ricchi e i più potenti. Molti, in buona fede, e spinti da una sincera indignazione contro i guasti della politica, hanno pensato che, distruggendo le istituzioni si poteva ricominciare tutto da capo e con purezza. Ma cosa vorrebbero mettere al posto della politica, ormai sistematicamente disprezzata, considerata logora, riempita dalle malefatte delle caste? La prima idea apparentemente nuovissima ma purtroppo molto vecchia, è di affidarsi a una parola che gode sempre di un alone magico: popolo. Il popolo, si dice, è stanco, indignato, povero, malato. E cosa vuole? Pulizia giustizia. Ma chi lo rappresenta? E qui si autopropongono dei nuovi aspiranti governatori che si autodefiniscono più puri e onesti di tutti coloro che li hanno preceduti. Nuovi governatori che, disprezzando la competenza come fonte di corruzione, si affidano alla improvvisazione di persone pescate dentro il corpo «sano» del popolo. Da qui la parola populismo. Che però storicamente nasceva come un sogno: il governo di contadini e operai tenuti ai margini della società, che finalmente avrebbero eletto direttamente i loro rappresentanti, in barba alle istituzioni.
Solo che in una società di massa, complessa e articolata, dominata dai grandi interessi economici, con una tecnologia che inquina le coscienze, la parola popolo suona stonata. Chi sarebbe il popolo oggi? Quella parte della piccola borghesia incanaglita e inselvatichita a cui la rete ha dato l’agio di tirare fuori, anonimamente, il peggio della frustrazione e dell’odio distruttore di ogni cosa? O i delusi che vogliono vendicarsi? O chi si fa prendere da paure insufflate? Sostituire la competenza, prodotto di selezione, con la improvvisazione, stabilendo che chi non sa è più puro e giusto, è un azzardo pericoloso. Le istituzioni, svuotate di prestigio e competenza, si riempiono, nel migliore dei casi di incompetenti che poi si affidano a competenti che tramano nell’ombra; nel peggiore dei casi di prepotenti che tendono a prendere in mano le leve del potere per imporre le proprie idee e i propri interessi. Le dittature nascono così. "

mercoledì 13 giugno 2018

The godfathers _If I only had time

I like , very very much:The Godfathers - If I only had time - on EPIC, 1988.

Today a new sun rises
Look in the mirror there's no surprises
Things ain't what they used to be
Cary Grant's on L.S.D
If I only had time
I'd think of the perfect crime
If I only had time
I'd think of the perfect crime
It's the only way to be
From here to eternity
Things ain't what they used to be
We're living under a false economy
If I only had time
I'd think of the perfect crime
If I only had time
I'd think of the perfect crime
A million mums are hooked on valium
And you should see what you have done to them
Things ain't what they used to be
A generation raised on poverty
If I only had time
I'd think of the perfect crime
If I only had time
I'd think of the perfect crime

venerdì 1 giugno 2018


As you know, anthropology is the study of human beings and where they came from. As a scientific discipline, it has been led for decades by people with evolutionary presuppositions. There are many people within Christian churches – including many pastors – who do not think it matters what we believe about how human beings got here. What matters is the value that we place on humanity today.
The problem with such an attitude is that we need to know where our values come from. An atheist evolutionist can be understood when they believe that human life does not essentially have greater worth than that of an animal. After all, if we evolved from animals, we are basically the same as them.  If our pet cat gives birth to too many kittens, we might not be too uncomfortable in disposing of the excess number of kittens, and so it should not be any more of a problem for us to do the same with babies. The reason why Christians – including those who believe in evolution – tend to find such comparisons abhorrent is because we get our values from the Bible.
But the Bible makes clear that our value as human beings is derived from our special creation. Genesis tells us that God simply spoke the animals into existence, but Adam was personally formed by God, who breathed into him to make him into a living spirit. Mankind is made imago dei – in the image of God. This level of value exists because Genesis speaks the literal truth about how humanity came to be.

mercoledì 16 maggio 2018


European ambiguities,from page 1279 of TRAGEDY AND HOPE by Carroll Quigley:
"For this reason, the chief impression the visiting American brings back from Europe is one of grasping materialism and exagerated individualism.This is a spirit akin to america of the 1920's rather than of 1950's.It is found, with a variety of emphasis, among the peasants, the workers, and even the aristocracy as well as among the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoise, where we expect it.It is combined with antagonism between classes and groups that is rare in America (except among the petty bourgeoisie).The middle class adolescent revolt is rarer  and much harsher in Europe, shot trough with element of hatred, where in america is shot trough with elements of indscriminate loving.And in Europe, the selfishness and general bitchiness of middle-class girl is much greater than in United states, probably because the stronger male-dominant tradition of Europe Leaves them less self-esteem, and lower personal evaluation.As an example of the diversity of Europe, we should say that this last remark is more true of Southern Europe than of Northern Europe, and largerly untrue of England. Infact, most generalizations about Europe do not apply to England at all."

sabato 14 aprile 2018


The Bible And Economics
For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.
— 2 Thessalonians 3:10
Do you dread going to work or tending house, viewing labor as a curse on your life because of the Fall? Well, it isn’t. Before sin ever touched this earth, God commanded Adam to tend the garden. God created us to have meaningful employment and to earn our keep. And He created a context in which we could live and prosper.
God reveals that context in His Word. While the Bible isn’t an economics textbook, it does say a great deal about how we can thrive. The Bible says that if a person does not work, that person shall not eat. (Of course, this principle doesn’t refer to a person unable to work.) The Eighth Commandment, “Thou shalt not steal,” makes it clear that we can own property, ruling out certain economic systems such as communism. In fact, I believe free enterprise is a biblical principle. Most people didn’t understand this until 1776, when Adam Smith wrote his famous book on economics, The Wealth of Nations. This book sparked the worldwide spread of capitalism. Before that time, most people lived a hand-to-mouth existence, spending about ninety percent of their income on food. But between 1800 and 1850, wages quadrupled as people pursued scriptural economic principles, and from 1850 to 1900, wages quadrupled again. This was especially true in America, where free enterprise had its freest reign.
But in this century, we’ve turned from some of those biblical principles. A misapplication of the concepts of justice and charity have created in our nation “social justice” (in other words, welfare). Public welfare is neither just nor charitable, because it forcibly takes money from one person and gives it to another. Public welfare also tempts people to take advantage of public money and to fight for as much of it as they can get. It destroys private charity and creates vice and laziness.
I challenge you to apply biblical principles of economics in your life and to cultivate a responsible work ethic. Resolve today that whatever task comes your way, you’ll work for God’s honor and glory. As you do, He will bless you for your obedience.
America will last until the populace discovers it can vote for itself largess [gifts or handouts] out of the public treasury.

domenica 11 marzo 2018


DA IL GIORNALE del 11 marzo 2018, ottima lettera:
La sinistra ha perso le elezioni perche' ha vinto nel centro storico di milano.Il PD e' il partito piu' votato da quelli che ..... prima il Parini poi la Bocconi, quelli che ..... la bicicletta e' bello, quelli che maledetti inglesi per la Brexit, quelli che ....... d'inverno le Maldive e d'estate la Cambogia, quelli che ....... Papa Francesco e' bravo ma noi in chiesa mai, quelli che ...... nero e' bello sopratutto se sta in periferia, quelli che ....... Trump e' un tamarro, quelli che .... fanno i girotondi, che hanno la tessera dell'Anteo, che i libri da Feltrinelli, che c'e' il pericolo fascista e stanno a lugano per non pagare le tasse, che marijuana e' bello, che festeggiano i 50 anni dal '68, che leggono il Corriere e La Repubblica, che i necrologi li fanno da Saint Moritz, che la CNN e' la bibbia in terra, che sono alternativi a 70 anni,che hanno i figli nei centri sociali, che tengono all'Inter perche' si chiama internazionale, che tengono al Milan e sputano su Berlusconi, che vivono nella finanza, che la Lega e' razzista, che amano i film di Guadagnino, che l'Olocausto e' una tragedia ma Israele va boicottato, che sono preti e degli italiani se ne fregano. Insomma tutti quelli che sono l'opposto di me.Grazie a Dio ! Francesco Panico, Milano

sabato 3 marzo 2018

4 Marzo 2018, elezioni nazionali italiane

Io il 4 marzo 2018, alle elezioni nazionali italiane , voto FRATELLI DI ITALIA di Giorgia Meloni.

sabato 24 febbraio 2018

TRAGEDY AND HOPE by Carrol Quigley

I like, very very very very much :"The evolution of civilizations.Tragedy and hope: A history of the world in our time" by Carroll Quigley , 1966 (_Tragedy and hope_ is one of the most important history book ever written and published).