martedì 28 agosto 2012


Una frase molto famosa di Winston Churchill e' che la democrazia e' , tra tutti i sistemi di governo , il meno peggio.
Molto meno conosciuta e' un altra frase di Winston Churchill, quella secondo cui " Una conversazione di 5 minuti con l'elettore medio , e' il miglior argomento contro la democrazia".
Dico questo in relazione alla ignoranza ed alla incapacita' diffusa della gente, in generale,  di capire con chi sta parlando: ad esempio se con un vero medico , od un falso medico, se con un vero analista finanziario od un falso analista finanziario.
A questo proposito , vi segnalo l'articolo , sul Corriere della sera di mercoledi' 27 agosto 2007,            " Richter, pittore da 800 mila euro diventa ritrattista di strada - l'artista tedesco si finge dilettante e si fa pagare i disegni 5 euro -Ora valgono una fortuna-.Ma qualcuno (scontento) li ha buttati".
L'artista in questione, Daniel Richter e' un autentico artista.

venerdì 17 agosto 2012


If you live in Panama , and you have an european passport, you must pay taxes to the european community.

To obtain additional revenue, the EU, with the creation of a EUROPEAN FINANCIAL POLICE, must tax the worldwide income of the citizens of its member countries , wherever they may live.
For example Italy, cooperating with the new european financial police, could then collect taxes on its wealthy citizens living in other countries, including outside the european community.
This can be the best way to bring money in the European community.
It would be possible to do this only by the way of a simple tax convention.
This new european tax should be coordinated with the local and national taxes (ie the taxation in Hong Kong of a person with european passport living in Hong Kong , and paying taxes in Hong Kong.)

venerdì 10 agosto 2012


° Economics, market forces, financial cycles:These topics are not likekly to elicit a passionate response. They 're necessary topic's, but they're not really much fun. And they are certainly not buzzwords among people who want to change the world. We are passionate about issues of justice, service, poverty, slavery, education, healthcare, and clean water.
But if we really want to make a sustainable impact on any issues in the United States or internationally, then we simply must grow in our understanding of economics, market forces, and financial cycles.

I remember the first time I realized that my "help" was insufficient at best , and actually could be harming the people I was trying to assist.
While living in Rwanda, I met Jean, a survivor of the 1994 Rwanda genocide. Soon after the genocide, he had begun to rebuild his life, starting a poultry business that provided eggs to his community. His business thrived for a time - until church in Georgia "adopted" his village as a part of its crusade to help victims of the genoicide, providing food, clothes, and free eggs imported from neighboring village.
With this new surplus, Jean's egg business failed.
No matter how good a business plan might be, it is nearly impossible to compete with a free or heavily subsidized product. Jean was forced to sell his most productive assets, his chickens , and look for other employement.

A year later, the church left the village to support other individuals struck by disaster. With no local supplier of eggs, the village had to import them at a higher price than Jean had charged originally. At first, giving away free eggs had seemed like  a great solution: the community was poor, the american church was rich, and, for a time, the community was well fed. In the long-term , though, their efforts were not sustainable and, ultimately, Jean and other community members were negatively impacted.
The church had a vision to improve the lives of those in a poor community, the passion to set the groundwork for change, and the drive to implement their vision. So WHAT WENT WRONG ?

For most of my life, I thought that if people are hungry, the best thing we can do is to give them our excess food. If people are thirsty, let's imported water. If people needs clothes, we should empty our closets for charity. If people are caught in slavery, let's purchase them and set them free.
But I missed the bigger picture : these are all temporary and ultimately dissatisfyng  fixes.

People will be hungry tomorrow. Clothes will wear out and needed to be replaced. Chains of dependency will slowly strangle aspirations and dreams.

Disincentives for productivity will undermine long-term progress.

With SHORT-TERM solutions, people will always have the same needs a short term later.

It is becoming clear that intervention in market forces is not as straightforward as we might immagine to have a greater likelihood of improving the extreme poverty and injustices in our world , we desperately need an understanding of BUSINESS CYCLES AND MARKETS.°

A very good analysis of Business cycles by Peter Greer , "FOREWORD" in " Boom and bust, financial cycles and human prosperity" Alex J. Pollock , AEI Press 2011.

martedì 7 agosto 2012

Mafia, Ndrangheta, camorra and german antieuropean forces

Italian Mafia, Ndrangheta and Camorra are in alliance with german antieuropean forces, in alliance with german extreme right and left and in alliance with islamic terrorism in Germany and in Europe : all against  United Europe and against United States.

Mafia , Ndrangheta and Camorra can , in this situation , work from Italy, against the Euro, the European Community and the United States forces in Italy.

mercoledì 1 agosto 2012

The debt's crisis has just started

After the financial meltdown of the last 5 years, debt arose to a weigthted average of 417 percent of GDP, from 381 per cent in june 2007 in 11 of the major economies under the market analysis.
In UK, US, Germany, Japan,  Canada, Italy, Greece , France, Ireland, Spain and Portugal the ratio of total debt to GDP is now higher than it was in 2007.
Interest rates are dangerously low, government paper yelds too little, geopolitics is out of control in places like Syria, Iran, and North Korea and China is temporarly slowing down.

The delevereging has not even started yet, and the world 's crisis has not begun either.

It will take a minimum of ten yers to lower the debt's level, at minum to  150 per cent of the GDP in most countries, an acceptable level.

The whole doctrine of "too big to fail ", as written before in this blog, is a fraud and a deception to keep people in a modern version of being trapped in a debtor's prison, where they are basically enslaved: the solution is let the banks go broke.

Inflation and monetization of the debt is the easier way to get out from the trap, but the way is not easy at all, because there is no magic bullet and because lowering rate in an ambient of currencies's wars is not an option, having lost his utility, and the rates are now very low: so this option is now not an option (of lowering rates).

History suggests that lowering the debt, more than 10 percentage points a year, is a hard task, without social and political unrests.

The house of cards is build on the base "that American dollar is the -world 's reserve currency- meaning that United States could print seemingly unlimited amounts of dollars and then always find buyers and holders of them".

Sources/ bibliography : Jamil Baz, Financial Times
                                     Crosscurrents newsletters , Alan M.  Newman