sabato 21 novembre 2020


 Years ago, the United States Supreme Court struck down the Ten Commandments, or defied posting the laws of God in public schools... even though the nation was founded on the precepts of the Bible. When the highest court in the land strikes down the Ten Commandments in public schools, it is declaring that there is no absolute standard to which the government or state must answer to, and no higher authority to which one must stand accountable. Those nations which recognized nothing higher than themselves ended up descending the path of dehumanization and destruction. The Soviet Union declared that there was no God and nothing higher than the state. And so with no accountability, the state wound up murdering millions of its own citizens. Likewise, Communist China declared the same, and ended up slaughtering even more of its citizens. When there's no accountability to God, then the state becomes God, then anyone becomes God. Therefore, you as a believer must be an example of one who recognizes the reality of God, who reveres the integrity of His word, and who honors His truth. We will answer to Him one day, but His people answer to Him now.
