mercoledì 8 febbraio 2017


The Gospel of Jesus brings peace to troubled hearts, and so those that are justified have a peace which passes all understanding. Therefore, there should be an element of serenity and peace in our lives that should be seen by others. I think of a description of a man who was described as seeming to float through life and no matter what kind of storms would rage about him as he would pass through them, it did not seem to impact him because he had a wondrous peace that was very attractive to those that saw him. Is your boat easily upset by the waves and the winds around you?  If so, I hope that you will remember that if your life is going to be consistent with the Gospel it should demonstrate peacefulness—the peace that passes understanding.
The Gospel is a Gospel that makes peace and reconciles people to God; that is the nature of our Gospel. It is a peace-making Gospel, and we are called upon to be peacemakers. Bill Elliott said that he has known church members that were much more easily identified as troublemakers than peacemakers, and I wonder about you. In your home are you the peacemaker?  In your office, or school or workplace, are you a peacemaker or a troublemaker?  Are you in church a peacemaker or a troublemaker?  Well, God grant that we may demonstrate His peace and also extend it to others.
God of peace, grant me Your peace today so that it will fill me and sustain me and flow out to others. Thank You for Your peace that sets our souls at rest…