mercoledì 16 maggio 2018


European ambiguities,from page 1279 of TRAGEDY AND HOPE by Carroll Quigley:
"For this reason, the chief impression the visiting American brings back from Europe is one of grasping materialism and exagerated individualism.This is a spirit akin to america of the 1920's rather than of 1950's.It is found, with a variety of emphasis, among the peasants, the workers, and even the aristocracy as well as among the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoise, where we expect it.It is combined with antagonism between classes and groups that is rare in America (except among the petty bourgeoisie).The middle class adolescent revolt is rarer  and much harsher in Europe, shot trough with element of hatred, where in america is shot trough with elements of indscriminate loving.And in Europe, the selfishness and general bitchiness of middle-class girl is much greater than in United states, probably because the stronger male-dominant tradition of Europe Leaves them less self-esteem, and lower personal evaluation.As an example of the diversity of Europe, we should say that this last remark is more true of Southern Europe than of Northern Europe, and largerly untrue of England. Infact, most generalizations about Europe do not apply to England at all."