mercoledì 18 aprile 2012
One of the best international law analyst/non state entities
One of the best international law analyst is Antonio Cassese.
There is one of his greatest analysis in " POLITICAL THEORY TODAY" edited by David Held,1991, with a contribution " Violence , war and the rule of law in iternational community".
If you read carefully the conclusion at page 275, you can understand how Antonio Cassese in 1991 , forecasted the development of violence , in the international arena, by NON-STATE ENTITIES.
Antonio Cassese at page 275 wrote "Some tentative conclusions:
1 to large extent, structural violence in the world community is at the base of direct violence by non-state groups (such as liberation movements, ethnic or reliogious minorities, indigenous populations, terrorists groups)
2despite the attacks on the nation-state by non-state entities (which strike at states from below, while intergovernmetal organizations tend to undermine state authority from above), the nation state remains the key actor and protagonist in the world community and even tending to increase its power and authority. .......................... . "
Bibliography :
Political Theory today, David Held, 1991
Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell'uomo- Statuto delle Nazioni Unite.
Convenzione per la proscrizione del genocidio.
Benedetto Conforti, "le nazioni unite" Cedam 1994.